Then we move to our bulletin board for The Letter of the Week, The Number of the Week...where we do the number first in English then in Spanish.... and then we sing our Spanish number song...(found in the video below)... Next we cover the sight words of the week...The Color and Shape of the Week...Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday and Today's Weather (Both found from Confessions of a Homeschooler)...(soon we will also be adding Make the Date in change- found on 1+1+1=1)...
We then end Calendar time with our bible words to remember for the week and a bible story/message/song. This year we are covering the old testament and I am teaching out of Explorer's Bible Study Beginnings "And It Was Good!" Old Testament Lessons for Little Listeners.
The pencil cases under the bulletin board hold the laminated pieces/flashcards for the board.
*The Letter of the Week, Number of the Week, Sight Words, and Color/Shape of the week are all available in my printables section.