Here are some printables that I have made for Ryleigh that she has enjoyed. I will add more as I make them. They are good for laminating or putting into a page protector to reuse. I hope you enjoy them as much as she does!
Find a letter-
they can circle, cross off, put a sticker on, use a bingo marker on, etc. the letter...Ryleigh likes to use the bingo markers/ glass beads/ circles to mark off the letters.
Capital Letter Find A-Z
Lower Case Find a-f
Alphabet book sheets
We are making an alphabet book this page for every is the clip art that we are using for our pages (I will add them as we do them):
Alpha A
Alpha B
Alpha C
Alpha D
Alpha E
Alpha F
Alpha G
Alpha H
Alpha I
Alpha K
Alpha L
Alpha M
Alpha N
Alpha O
Alpha P
Alpha S
Alpha T
Alpha V
BEFORE FIVE IN A ROW (most if not all of these can be used independently without the BFIAR plan)
Sight Words and Color and Shape of the Week
The Letter of the Week, The Number of the Week
Numbers 1-20 (I use them on the Board for Number of the Week- but you could use them for many different things)
Numbers 0-10 - We used it to place stickers on...however, you could also use objects. Laminate it to reuse..
Roll and Color - use dice (big or small)...roll the dice and color the coordinating number...
Color by Number
Color By Number Flower
Color By Number Umbrella
Lately Ryleigh likes to count everything...this helps her practice counting...number recognition...and drawing straight lines...its a good one to put in a page protector to reuse.
Number Matching (by drawing lines) 1-10
Number Match 1-10
She pretty much knows her shapes but this is a good re-enforcement exercise. Also great pre-writing exercise. For a fine motor skill twist, instead of tracing the shapes you can have your little one place stickers to outline them.
Trace Shapes
We use this worksheet to follow simple or complex directions...
Circle the animals that are NOT farm animals
I am currently teaching some preschoolers Piano. (Including Ryleigh)... I found that the 2 & 3 year olds were not ready for a typical practice I created my own... I will add the pages as I use them...enjoy!
Lesson 2: Counting Practice
Lesson 3: More Counting Practice
Lesson 4: Pattern Work
Lesson 5: Learning C
Lesson 6: Learning D
Lesson 7: Learning E
Lesson 8: Learning Rests and F
In addition to Piano Lessons, I am also currently teaching Guitar and Saxophone Lessons (Not to Preschoolers)... here are some worksheets that I have made to supplement my students lesson books:
Names of the Notes: