Ryleigh is 41 Months and Braeden is 13 Months
Braeden pushing his sister on a car...when they got to the end of the "road"...he simply moved to the front of the car and pushed by holding the steering wheel...
We celebrated my husbands birthday this week...did calendar time...stART...music class...dance class... and lots of running around...the house...not errands...
Braeden really concentrated on his gross motor skills this week...by pushing anything that he could around...furniture included...he is also getting much sturdier on his feet while walking...
Braeden really concentrated on his gross motor skills this week...by pushing anything that he could around...furniture included...he is also getting much sturdier on his feet while walking...
Braeden pushing his sister's kitchen set across the living room....
This week we did the letter Dd, the number 8, Color and Shape- purple oval...and added in the sight word "a"...we still worked on our farm theme...and read many farm books...including one of Ryleigh's favorites...Click Clack Moo...
To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.