
Thursday, November 4, 2010

School Daze...Ii is for Ice Cream...

Braeden is 14 Months and Ryleigh is 42 Months

Ryleigh and Braeden have had a very busy week...with lots of pretend play...Ryleigh incorporates Braeden into the "game"... and he totally goes along with it...shrieking with laughter most of the time...

TOT SCHOOL- Braeden continues to love the phone...and also really seems to enjoy dress up... also Braeden went to the voting polls for the first time...(so did Elmo)...

PRESCHOOL- We did Letter Ii this week...for Ice cream...we also did the sight word "in"... and had an ice cream treat... otherwise Ryleigh has been practicing her letter writing...and using her imagination. Right now her favorite game is driving in a car- she is the driver...and the car is the couch...the seat belts are my the store...where she hops out and shops...then brings everything back to the car....her other favorite is doctor...I am usually the patient and she graciously lets Braeden be the nurse...

I have not been taking as many pictures...gasp!.... so here is a sampling of what we did this week...

Ryleigh LOVES wearing her winter hat...and often alternates between that and her Elmo hat.... she frequently "catches" Braeden and puts a hat on him as well....this particular picture was right after Braeden's nap...and Ryleigh put a hat on him...and the two ran around the living room...I think pretending it was snowing...

Braeden yelling that it was time to go vote...On his way...
Daddy voting.... I was unable to get a picture of Elmo voting...he is very private ;)
Ryleigh working on her alphabet book...
Ryleigh working on her emergent reader from Hubbards Cupboard...
Ryleigh working on her stART project- Reverse Leaf Prints... to see the post go here...
I had the girls use circle stickers to put on the I i ...a great fine motor skill practice...
Working on a impromptu sensory bin...filled with beans...I will work on theme-ing it out for next week...
Working on some Kumon tracing sheets (I have them in a page protector to re-use)...
I bought some clearance Halloween costumes from Old Navy to use for is Braeden as a Dragon...and Ryleigh as a Bumble Bee...
Ryleigh had her friend Elena come over to bake cookies...they used the fun utensils...
I gave the girls a worksheet I photocopied out of one of my many books...while I prepped another project..."which one is different?"... I will probably make some of these...Ryleigh really likes to do them....
The girls enjoyed a treat of ice cream sundaes...after all it was "Ii" week...
I had the girls make ice cream cones for the Letter of the Week... here Ryleigh is using her markers to make sprinkles...
The finished "i" is for ice cream...

* The Ramblings and Adventures of a SAHM is now on facebook...I would love it if you became a "fan"....

To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
To find more Ii projects check out the Attached Mama...


  1. What a fun week! I love the ice cream treats :-)

  2. We are finishing up today our Letter I week---looks like ya'll had a lot of great activities! wish I had seen these before this week! I love the sticker letters. I may add that in for next son would love it, and yes for fine motor skills! Oh and the icecream trats, yum! I'm stopping by again from the Preschool Corner link up.

  3. So glad Elmo got his vote Looks like a lot of fun stuff. Thanks for sharing and have a blessed weekend! I'm your newest fan. I have a facebook page as well if you want to return the favor!

    Forest Rose

  4. How cute is it that Ryleigh is wearing that pretty purple hat in every photo except the one where she is eating ice cream!

  5. Your kiddos seem to be growing so fast! Love the ice cream week - yum!

  6. I think it is probably a good thing that Elmo was secretive about his voting - who know how Elmo would vote? LOL! Your children are adorable - whenever I read blogs like yours I find myself missing those days when my kids were so young. But, there is much joy to be found in teenagers as well!


  7. Yum! Ice-cream week must of been a hit. :)

  8. where do you buy the trays they work on from? I would love some for my son.

  9. What a fun week! Love that Elmo voted too! And I love the purple hat on your daughter! Very chic!

    I am a new fan on Facebook too!

    Visiting from Tot School!

  10. Love the ice cream cone craft. Love to hear about the make believe. Tabitha is always initiating make believe. The Three Bears and The Three Little Pigs are favorites right now.
    I "liked" your Facebook page. If you would like to return the favor, Tots and Me also has a Facebook page.

  11. The hats are cracking me up. So cute! I'm glad that Elmo voted but you'd think he'd want to help promote voting with a photo op. LOL

  12. Sounds like a great week. My son went with me to vote and I brought his little notepad and he "voted" too! Love the Elmo voting idea. I have to get our beans out, I bought a few bags last week and think sorting and pouring with them will be fun. What cuties!

  13. Such fun ideas! I've never seen the Kumon sheets, I'll have to look into those. And yummy, ice cream!
