
Thursday, June 17, 2010

School Daze- Week Thirty One

Ryleigh is 37 Months and Braeden is 10 Months
This week we finished our Capital Letter Craft Letter of the Week with Z is for Zebra. We also had music class, did a stART project, and had lots of fun outside...and I stalked another's almost like I can't help myself...they are so cute!

Spending some time on the swings...
Examining a worm...I wasn't quick enough to get a picture of Ryleigh touching it...
Blowing bubbles...
Playing with blocks...that I got off of freecycle....(YAY!)... she built things for a good 40 minutes...
Ryleigh working on her Find the Letter Printable... Ryleigh likes these a lot and does quite a few letters each week...
Working on her Z is for Zebra. I got the idea from Totally Tots... we used felt for the mane and ears, construction paper for the Z and stripes...
The finished project...
Practicing her writing...tracing letters...
Ryleigh working on her stART project...
Braeden continues to gain speed and craftiness while moving around the house...

Here Braeden has found a booster seat in the corner while Ryleigh "works"...
3 minutes later...Braeden promptly removed the straps that I was unable to...
Braeden exploring Anna's toys at playgroup...

There is nothing like a good swing...
Wondering why I am taking pictures instead of pushing him...
Enjoying the wind in his hair as he watches the girls play...
Staring at me in disbelief that I will not let him hold the screwdriver
while I put in new batteries to his activity table...
Playing while Ryleigh does projects...happy now... unamused at first when I took away the booster chair....
So this week we noticed that there was another rabbit digging in the backyard (different from our previous bunnies) one night I went out to try and talk to the rabbit...reason with her if you move her nest to the side of the house... and not the back yard...she was so unmoved that she started cleaning herself while I talked... I decided to just go get my camera instead...

To see what others are doing check out:
Tot School
preschool corner


  1. Looks like a great week! That is too funny about the rabbit. :D

  2. I love seeing kiddos working on the ABC crafts - that's an adorable zebra.

    The bunny looks very comfortable!!

  3. So much fun!!! I love the rabbit pictures too, but you knew that already because we both have a great love for the fluffy little cuties :0)

  4. Great pictures.

    I can't believe that rabbit just sat there and modeled for the camera! Too funny!

  5. Braeden is really looking a lot like you these days... Very cute. Love the craft projects ;) What is this FREECYCLE thing you mentioned? I am intrigued...

  6. I am a new follower from Friday blog hop. Adorable pics. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. I have a toddler, and love your pictures!! I should go check out those pre school memes.

    Happy FF!


  8. Cute pics!

    Thanks for stopping by & following me. I am following you back now. :) Happy Friday!

  9. Those foam blocks look really neat! Can i ask what freecycle is?

  10. Love the pictures! I'm visiting from Friday Blog Hop. I signed up to be a new follower.


  11. The Z turned out great!!! :) too cute!

  12. Love the Z! Love that the bunny let you get so close! Too funny!

  13. hi! i'm your newest follower from the blog hop - love your blog :)

  14. Fun stuff going on. And who could get tired of watching rabbits?

  15. Wow! Ya'll had a busy week. I have a 10 month old too and she doesn't like it when we have preschool. She has to be the center of attention.
    I have a bunny. He's actually our pet though. I think you need a
