
Sunday, June 20, 2010

The one in which there is a love/ hate relationship with the sprinkler....

Look...there is a sprinkler...perhaps it can be fun?
Hmmmm...there seems to be WATER coming out of the sprinkler....interesting...
YAY!!! This is going to be really fun!!!!! I am going to run through the sprinkler...
I got a little wet...not so bad...I am going to run to my (play) house now...
Whew!! I made it... I will watch the sprinkler from this side... looks like the water is coming this way....?....AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Now I am upset!!! UPSET!!!! The WATER got me....!!!!....why would it do that?
Quick escape down the slide...
Why are you taking pictures of me instead of rescuing me?
Or at least handing me a towel?....


  1. Too funny! Apparently the sprinkler wasn't as much fun as she thought it would be. Let's keep it on the DL that Aunt Lissa and Uncle Kris got her that LOL

  2. ohh my goodness these pictures were hilarious!!
