Here are the highlights over the last two weeks...I was going to post about everything we did, including Thanksgiving....but the length was getting a bit I curbed it at about 1000 photos...your welcome :)
We had
Musical Mondays and did a
stART project...we also did a lot of baking, the letters F & G, some holiday crafts... and a lot of fun!
WEEK NINE:The girls made cupcakes and decorated them with different kinds of sprinkles

They did the Letter F...F is for FLAG...I got this idea from No Time For Flashcards. I had them put star stickers on top and glue the stripes on :) 
Shape Turkeys...also from No Time For Flashcards. The girls had fun with this- I asked them to find specific shapes on their trays...which they then held up....pumpkin stickers make up the background...
Michelle brought over pipets and colored water. Ryleigh and Emily had fun mixing blue and yellow to make green. Besides being a great fine motor skill practice, it also reinforces colors... good idea Michelle! 
Ryleigh with her cousin playing barbies...well actually Marc is playing barbies...I believe they were having a dance party...
Waiting for Thanksgiving Dinner...always time to fit in some Tot School.... here Ryleigh is stacking physical therapy cones with Aunt Lisa...
Braeden with his cousin...they are 3 weeks apart... how cute are they together? :)
WEEK TEN:We worked on the Letter G...G is for Garden....I had them glue "garden items...aka...abstract tissue and construction paper items...and beans" onto brown construction paper. We had lettuce (green tissue paper), tomato (red circle), corn (yellow oval-ish item) and carrots (orange triangle)... you might have to use your imagination with it, but I think the end result was cute...

The girls strung beads onto pipecleaners....
Braeden...waiting for the ladies to finish the proects....or waiting for Juliette to finish eating... so they could play on the gym mat together...
Making chocolate chip a special "surprise" I had them use the white chocolate with red and green swirl chips in addition to the regular chocolate ones.... I believe it was a hit! 
We did the water project again.... Ryleigh is getting really good at transfering with the pipet...
Michelle had the girls make a Star and Paper Chain Christmas Countdown. For more on this project go here. Ryleigh has a lot of fun removing one chain each night before bed. 
Ryleigh did a sponge print snowman...I cut out the shape of a snowman from a piece of construction paper and taped down the outline. My grandmother had brought over sponges that expand in water, so I thought Ryleigh would get a kick out of it....which she did... I had her put the sponge in the water... then I cut a small piece of it and let her paint with it. We then glued on pom poms, pipecleaners, googly eyes... and a nose, mouth and hat....
Ryleigh putting the sponge in the water...
Watching it expand...she really thought this part was neat... 
The finished snowman...
We then did handprint snowman...Ryleigh did her hand prints...then I painted the details on... 
She worked on her shape puzzles....two at a time...
Braden's first time in the high chair...he loves to be near Ryleigh-pretty much at all times...
Ryleigh joining Braeden with some tummy time... 
To see what others are doing for their tot school go to
Love the snowmen crafts - very cute!
I also love the snowman crafts!
The sponge print snowman and the handprint snowmen are both ADORABLE!
I love the snowmen crafts. I think we will try those in January.
I agree with everyone - those snowman crafts are super cute!
Love the snowmen crafts - so cute. Going to have to remember them in Jan.
The snowmen crafts are really cute, and I loved the last picture of "tummy time" :)
the snowmen hand prints are adorable! I have got to get those plastic trays- they seem to make everything more neat and organized- loved them!
Great snowman activities.
Your garden G came out great!
The two babies ... Oh my how cute!!!
I love the snowman and handprints! You fit all this in to 2 weeks?? Amazing! It looks like a great time and I love all your activities!
I really love the snowmen - I see from the other comments, that I'm not alone - but honestly, they really turned out great.
I loved your abstract garden shapes, and I think the pipet/water activity is brilliant! Great ideas--thanks for sharing!
I love the G! I might just have to use that when we get to G. I also love the snow man handprints!
Your children are completely adorable!!! That is neat that you & your hubby grew up in western NY! We live about an hour south of Buffalo, near Jamestown, NY. :) Thanks for the comment on my blog!
These are all great ideas! Cute pictures too!
Where did you find the swirl red and green chips? I have a bag from last year, but I can't find any this year.
The snowball cookie recipe on that package is yummy!
What a great week! I love the water transfer idea. I'll do that tomorrow - hopefully a straw will work. My son loves to do tummy time with my 4month old too. Aren't they so cute!!
What a great couple of weeks, I love the snowmen hand prints they came out so cute!
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