Friday, November 12, 2010

School Daze... Kk is for Key... and Sink...

Braeden is 14 Months and Ryleigh is 42 Months

This week seemed very busy... however we only had two scheduled days of school...Ryleigh would play projects all day most days if she could though... here is a sample of some of the projects that we worked on this week...

Tot School
Braeden has been building a lot with our mega is very hard to get a good picture of him doing it though... he will either get up and come over to the camera or start throwing them... he continues to pick up speed and at times I feel like he is almost running...

This week we did Kk, started incorporating seasons into our calendar time, and started learning about Noah's Ark...we will continue next week... Also this week we play float or sink...a game that kept the girls busy for awhile...(We slowly put random objects into a bucket of water...after guessing if they would float or sink... the girls each had their own...they liked it so much they did it twice)....

Ryleigh building with the pegs and peg board...
Braeden practicing his fine motor picking the wicker off the bottom of my laundry basket....
Ryleigh working on her alphabet book...
Ryleigh painting with packing see the whole project go here....
I made Ryleigh a bunch of file folder and envelope games...(that I downloaded from various places)... Here she is playing with the paintbrush color match from Confessions of a Homeschooler and the Acorn Counting Game from Teena's Teacher Tidbits...(she has lots of free download-able games...)

Braeden LOVES his music in his crib... the other day the battery completely died... I did not have enough batteries to fix it...Luckily my friend Dawn did...and she was so nice to drive over here so Braeden could have his music for nighty-nights... here he is right after I put it back up... he wanted to play with it immediately so I put him in the crib for a bit...
Ryleigh watching some of the objects in sink or float...
The girls put turkey stickers on Kk...for fine motor practice...
Ryleigh and Emily working on k is for key...
Our finished Skeleton Keys....
I put out some of our silk leaves and Ryleigh matched them up...

To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
To find more Kk projects check out the Attached Mama...


Anonymous said...

What a great week! I love the K for key! I love Braeden's fine motor activity he created!

JavaMama said...

I love the skeleton key! Great idea.

KJ said...

Looks like another great week!! I'm stopping by from the Preschool Corner link up.

Samantha said...

My middle son, in particular, loves to build (he's 12 now and still builds amazing things). When my kids were much younger, I purchased this HUGE set of blocks from Step 2. They could build such big things - they LOVED them. I don't know if they still make them or not or if you even have the room for them but if you've got a budding builer - he might enjoy them!

The pictures of your children engaged in educational activity are just adorable.


Fiona said...

Hiya-looks like a fab week! I have not read your blog for a while and can't believe how much your little boy has grown up since I last did!

Stefanie said...

Lots of great activities. And I'm totally jealous of the TuTu Cute shirt. I wanted to get it for my tot and they had every size but hers. Grr...As usual. LOL

Tracey M. said...

I love the variety of activities you did with your kids. My son and I are getting into the sink or float thing lately too. Water play can be endless! I love the paintbrush color match! I didn't really know what file folders were, but now I do! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Love the basket picking activity. How creative! The leaf matching looks like fun.

Peterson Party said...

Great week! I always love the float or sink activity!

The Iowa Farmer's Wife said...

I love the painting with packing peanuts activity!