Tuesday, August 24, 2010

stART- Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert

A Story + Art = a great stART!!!For our story this week we read Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert... in which they plant many different flowers (and plants) that make up the colors of the rainbow. The book starts with seeds and ends with a beautiful garden rainbow. Ryleigh loves rainbows....so this book was an instant hit with her.

For our project I had the girls use star stickers of many different colors to represent the "seeds" of the garden/rainbow. Then they used watercolors to make the garden grow. At the end they had beautiful rainbow gardens (pictures)...

Ryleigh peeling the stickers off (a great fine motor activity)
Starting to paint her garden...
She was very meticulous and made sure that she painted all of the stars....
Ryleigh has been practicing writing her letters lately...
if you look closely you will see a "H" at the top of her painting...

The finished painting...a rainbow of colors...

For more great stART projects check out A Mommys Adventures!

For more toddler activities visit


Helene said...

That is such a cute project!! I like that you use those trays to keep everything in place....I should get some of those!!!

Anonymous said...

oo love the way this turned out!

Jill said...

How adorable! Love her rainbow, and a huge fan of Lois's books!

Debbie said...

I love her rainbow, she did a great job with it. I am going to look for this book.

Brimful Curiosities said...

seed stars and growing with watercolors. Very cute idea.

Anonymous said...

We love that book and what a VERY pretty painting you made. Love it!


April said...

That is so pretty! She did a cute little H. I recently posted a video of my daughter accidently drawing a Y...she was very proud of herself.

Counting Coconuts said...

What a lovely bit of artwork! We love Lois Elhert's books - they're all so rich with colors!

Anonymous said...

How pretty! It looks like sails floating in the sky.

RedTedArt said...

I am back again!! Now with a brand new link up "Kid's Get Crafty".. woudl love for you to connect with this too. Old post & multiple posts welcome!!


Look forward to seeing you?

Maggy, Red Ted Art