
Saturday, December 19, 2009


Tot School

This was a very busy week for Tot School...we had a lot to do to prepare for Christmas...a lot of family activities...projects to do...Santa to see....a stART project...and Dance class.... these pictures are a little out of order...

Ryleigh helping to decorate our tree...

Waiting in line to see Santa...
It did not. go. well....maybe next year :)
Ryleigh playing with her present from Uncle Kris and Aunt (Mel)lissa... baking utensils that kids can also play fun!!!! I think I love them as much as Ryleigh does!
Dance class
Time at Granny & Grandad's House...and Aunt Laura...who is visiting for a whole week...YAY!!!!

Tracing...Michelle printed these (I think they were supposed to be cutting practice)...and brought them over when the girls were here this week...we put them in page protectors, had the girls use white board markers and felt to erase....great idea!!!
Ryleigh doing activities from a Christmas Tot Pack that I got from 1+1+1=1. I laminated them for her and she requested to do them every day this week...her favorites were the Christmas Tree matching/sort; matching the letters for Merry Christmas; Where is the Gift?; and the Shapes. She had a lot of fun with these.

For the Letter of the Week we did "H". I had the girls do H is for Hand-print(s).

Since I love hand-print art...and Christmas Crafts...I had the girls do Shape Hand-Print Angels. I started out by asking the girls to find the different shapes (and hold them up)...then we glued the shapes into place and finished with hand-prints for wings.

I had Ryleigh do Hand-print and thumb print snowman ornaments....I love them.... asleep with Grandpa...and Elmo too of course... they were going to watch a movie...I don't think she even made it through the opening credits...

For more fun Tot School activities check out 1+1+1=1.


  1. I love the utensils! Those are awesome!

  2. The pictures of dance class and SO cute! I love the hand print angels and ornaments too.

  3. Aw, that picture of Ryleigh and grandpa is soo precious. I love the handprint H - I'll have to remember that one!

  4. Those cooking utensils are AWESOME! Do you know where they are from? Or who makes them? And i LOVE that last picture- precious!

  5. Seriously, you always do the greatest things!! I love your blog!

    Those cooking utensils are absolutely adorable. Off to Google them... :)

  6. Such a fun week. Your hand print art is so neat. I am always too scared to do anything involving a whole hand in paint....I really should get over that fear. Your visit with Santa went about as well as ours!

  7. OO those utensils are so cute!! I love the hand print angels.. I might just have to do that this week! Thanks for sharing all of the great ideas.

  8. It's my first visit! Looks like lots of fun!

    Very cute! Great week!

  9. Great week. The picture with Santa cracked me up - it didn't go over well for us last year, and Anna expressed no desire to see Santa (or to write to him) this year either.

  10. I LOVE the H is for Handprints idea! Going to keep that in the back of my mind for when we start our Letters of the week crafts!

  11. Oh my goodness, I love the Santa pictures. Emily was only a little happier than Ryleigh. Maybe next year she won't be as afraid!

    Oh those utensils are AWESOME, I totally need to find them! Or you need to use them when we get together for TOTSchool :0)

    It has been so much fun having Aunt Laura join us this past week, I'm sure Ryleigh loves having her here!

  12. Just stopping by to let you know that there is an award for you in my blog. :-)

  13. I love the hand print angels! So cute!
    You sure have a lovely blog!
