Samson's Classroom is an online program for sight words, spelling and reading that is aimed for children grades K-5. They have the children play engaging games to master the words. Samson is a loveable dog :-) Also on the website are worksheets and lesson plans.
I have been using a fantastic Reading Program with Ryleigh that we are very happy with... I plan to use the same program for spelling. That being said, I used Samson's Classroom to review what we have learned... and add a bit of technology to the lessons. Ryleigh enjoyed how easy it was to use... I liked the material it encompassed...and the ease of tracking her progress.
When Ryleigh used it she mainly focused on the sight words.... which uses the 224 most used words.... Ryleigh is only 5...so... although she knows the entire pre-primer dolch list.... that is only a small portion of the program... Lots of room to grow!!!

Sight Words with Samson - Identifying words on a word wall
The Reading portion is designed to help the student grow in their analyzing and comprehension of what they are actually reading. These games are engaging and keeps the students interested and excited to keep moving forward!

Reading with Samson - Students get rewarded for answering questions correctly by gaining extra time in the carnival.
We have not done a lot of spelling with Ryleigh yet... she can spell some of her sight words and a lot of the CVC's...and some of the blends... she did seem to still enjoy the spelling section.... but I think she will like it more once we get a little further.... (and she gets a little older)...

Spelling with Samson - Gathering letters and putting them in the proper order
You need to have complete mastery to move on to the next game... so it would be good if the teacher could set what "mastery" was... instead of it being 100%... sometimes Ryleigh would get 7/8 consistently.
Home - 1 user $30 per year
Home - 1 user $30 per year
Family - 4 users $50 per year
Classroom - 30 users $80 per year
Grade Level - 150 users $250 per year
Small School - 400 users $500 per year
Large School - 1,000 users $1,000 per year
Disclaimer: I received this product, and no other compensation, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.