
Thursday, March 24, 2011

School Daze...Xx is for in Braeden's...

Ryleigh is 46 Months and Braeden is 19 Months...

I did not take pictures of all our activities this week, but here are some highlights...

This week Braeden kept to the "Xx" theme and got his very first X-rays.... he ran into a doorway and hurt his leg. He is fine and did not break anything... he is going to give me a run for my money for sure.... the next day he acquired a fat lip from throwing his stuffed animals into his crib...needless to say I have gained several gray hairs this week...with a feeling that there will be many more to come....

Here is the doorway that he ran into...(not while I was taking the picture)At the beginning of the week we had some company from across the sea (England)... the kids had a great time and it was fun to catch up!!! We miss you already!
This week one of my friends let me know about a 4 year old boy who has been diagnosed with Cancer... here the girls are making him cards...Our prayers are with him and his family...
The girls worked on their alpha books...
A fun fine motor activity- beads and pipe-cleaners...into cheese shakers...
This week for our stART projects we did Coffee filter butterflies... in both classes...
Braeden getting some help spraying his filter...
The girls with their butterflies... they were very entertained by these...
We have started doing a "work" book activity with the girls... each week we give them a task to do in their "work" books (notebooks) that we can track their progress... i.e.. write your name, draw specific shapes...
Ryleigh drawing shapes...
For both classes I had a mini-felt board set up with a picture of a flower on it. In the Preschool class I wanted the girls to copy the picture. In the Tot School Beginnings Class, it was more about the texture of the felt and that the pieces could stick on the felt board without adhesive.... I was happy with the outcome of both classes...(goal achieved!)

The mini felt board.... made out of frames from the dollar store..without the glass... the kids love these personal boards!
The tots liked putting the felt onto the frame...
and I like prepping one project for both classes....
The girls working to copy the picture onto their mini-felt boards....
For our Letter of the Week Craft I had the girls do a xylophone...but I also turned the craft into a brief math project...yeah for multi-tasking! ... I had them put the "notes" in size order before gluing them on...Letter of the Week Craft... "x" is for xylophone...

To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
To see more Xx activities check out The Attached Mama.


  1. The butterflies are so much fun! And your mini felt boards are a fabulous idea.

  2. oh my goodness - the girls are making the boy cards, that just breaks my heart into a million pieces! Thank you for teaching your children compassion and love! BEAUTIFUL!!

  3. So wonderful to see them making cards like that. It's sweet. I love the xylophone activity!

  4. Love the mini felt boards.

    Sorry about B's little accident.


  5. Don't start keeping track of the grey hairs your kids give you--you'll only get depressed! ;) The felt boards in the frames are a really good idea.

  6. Those butterflies are cute, but they're completely eclipsed by those adorable kids!

  7. Love, love, love the mini felt board idea!! And that they had to try to copy your picture. Very cool idea!

  8. Love your ideas-as always!! Yes thats our Dollar Tree shaker :). Glad to hear Braeden is okay!! We've only made it to the ER once with three kids, but it's scary having to go!

  9. Great week you guys had!! So glad Braeden is okay! Boys are crazy!

  10. Love the mini felt board idea!! So cute, easy, and the kids seemed to love it!

  11. fun week! Sorry about your gray hairs and the x-rays. I got my first grays right after I brought my youngest home from the hospital. She was (IS) a handful and daddy was in Iraq.
