Friday, January 14, 2011

School Daze.... Pp and Ss...and lots of pictures....

It has been awhile since our last official School Post...we took a nice break over the holidays...and I actually have been reading (gasp!!!)....Anyway...I had over 500 pictures to sort through and selected it is a brief overview...very brief... but I had to do something to get us caught back up....

Some updates: We will be starting Tot School Beginnings with Braeden (plus 6 or so) in February... and we have gained another student to our "Preschool" (making it 4)... YAY!!!

Tiny Tot School
Braeden 16 & 17 Months
Braeden's personality continues to flourish and his sister continues to be the light of his life... he loves to spend all of his time with her...and luckily she thinks he is a great long as he doesn't touch her Elmo...

On black friday, I found these great 10 drawer storage bins at Joanne's Fabric on sale...I am hoping to move toward a workbox system(ish) for the girls preschool next year... until then...Braeden thinks they are lots of fun
Super Thrilled with the Monster Feet Aunt Lisa gave him... (although the picture doesn't show it- he actually really likes his feeties and wears them/plays with them quite a bit...)
Santa stopped by our Street.... and gave out Fireman hats...
One of his favorite toys is his piggy bank...I think he likes that it sings to him when he puts the money in....
Ryleigh and Braeden playing together...they like to play with this block "town" from Leap Frog...
For Christmas Santa brought Braeden a pick up truck....he loves to drive his sister around in it...but does not like to have his sister drive it....
In a bounce house at a friend's 4th Birthday Party... I only had to jump inside once to go get him...
Braeden really likes to do "work" when Ryleigh does... here he colored a Birthday Card...
PRESCHOOL- Ryleigh is 3 1/2
Over the last 6 weeks (or so) we have covered 4 letters, worked on our Spanish, fine motor and gross motor skills...done some fun Science experiments...and had a lot of fun doing holiday crafts...

Ryleigh working on her
alphabet book... since our last "school" post we have done j,m,s and p...if the sheets aren't in my printables yet, they will be shortly...
While Aunt Laura was visiting for the Holidays, we took advantage of her love of science (she is a Veterinarian) and had her do some experiments with the girls...

Here they are making a rainbow with house hold pour them in SLOWLY...and they will seperate out...we used dish detergent, rubbing alcohol, water (with food coloring), veg. oil... next time I will skip the food coloring because it kinda made the colors all blend...but the girls had a great time...
Next up was volcanoes in a much fun!!
They loved the outcome...
The girls had fun working on their fine motor skills with these worksheets from 1+1+1=1... they cut out people and animals and then had to sort them...
During our "m" week, we used these fun m&m cards for counting from Confessions of a Homeschooler... I think I may make them into a fun file folder game... perhaps use some velcro..
Ryleigh working on a styrofoam painting of a snowman...see full stART project here...
Play-dough is always a fun project...
The girls really enjoyed this Math game... there are so many different things that you can do with it, we will definitely be using it for awhile... here I called out colors and numbers...
We did an experiment with acids and bases....turning the water "magically" from purple to blue and purple to red...and lots of fizzes in between...
Letter of the Week Craft s is for snowman...
Our Letter of the Week Craft p is for penguin...
To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


Anonymous said...

yay I missed your school posts! Glad to see things have been going great!! I love the S snowman craft!!

Stefanie said...

I love how much your little guy love boxes. He is too cute!!

Volcanoes are always so much fun! I remember when I first did one with my daughter. It wasn't as much work as I though it would be. Now she just does them for fun on her own. LOL

Rebecca said...

That volcano in a jar experiment looks awesome!

Anonymous said...

What a neat volcano experiment. I also love the penguin craft.

Anonymous said...

I love all your experiments! The crafts are cute too.

Brandi said...

Where did you find your trays? I haven't looked very hard, but am thinking of going towards montessori-ish learning and also possibly work boxes. But the trays would be so handy!