
Thursday, November 18, 2010

School Daze... Ll is for and ladybugs...

Ryleigh is 42 Months and Braeden is 15 Months...


Braeden remains hard to photograph lately...he is very busy running around... his favorite game is running around the house with a blanket over his head crashing into things...this stresses me out beyond belief and I am constantly removing the blankets...
He has learned two new signs this week- "No" and "Yes", as well has the words Bump (as in fist bump) and EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE (as in Mickey).

Here is Braeden...too busy for a photograph on the phone and using his sister's pajama bottoms as a blanket (since I took his others)...
A quiet minute where Braeden wanted to do a puzzle....
Moments later he started throwing the pieces and puzzle time was then over...
Next favorite activity... flipping things over...notice the table in the background... here he flipped the chair and then decided to carry it is as big as he is...
This week we did Ll is for ladybug... some of the things that we worked on not pictured below were patterns, sequencing, upper and lower case matching...
Ryleigh has been playing with her Bitty Twins...(Twin...and Twin)... and also with her imaginary friend...Grover (don't worry he already knows Elmo)...

Ryleigh working on her alphabet book...printable found here...
For the last two weeks we have been doing Noah's Ark during Bible Time (right after calendar time each day)... this week we did a storyboard on my felt board and then had the girls put the story in order... I got the sequencing cards from here...
We did 1 to 1 correspondence with numbers/ stickers 0-10... download the printable here....
After the girls counted the numbers, we then went over the numbers in Spanish to help re-enforce what they have already learned...
On cardstock with white crayon I wrote a secret message for the girls "Ll is for leaf"...(and drew a fantastical picture of a leaf)... then they used watercolor to reveal the message... we did this a few weeks ago for Halloween as well...
For our stART project this week, we did hand-print know it had to be done at some point during the season... here are the final turkeys...
I had the girls do a water transfer with a pipet...yellow water and blue water...(making green)... this is a great fine motor skill practice...and a great art/science lesson...
This week I had the girls make l is for ladybug... Here is Ryleigh working on gluing...
The finished ladybug...
My favorite picture... Ryleigh.. literally hanging around with my Grandfather (he is 90)... on the tree in the front yard...
To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
To find more Ll projects check out the Attached Mama...


  1. What a fun week! Love that last picture! Ryleigh looks so grown up in the alphabet book picture!!

  2. Looks like you had a fun filled week!

  3. I'm just cracking up at the image of him with that blanket on his head. LOL

    Hopefully your house won't have to remain a blanket-free zone for long.

  4. Braeden is just adorable! I love the shots you got of him. Ever since Halloween, my son loves putting blankie on his head and pretending he's a ghost. His 2nd-fav is a dinosaur. Whenever he pretends he's a "mean dinosaur" he tells me to put the blankie over my head to be safe!

    P.S. I was inspired by your activities last week and thank goodness I remembered where I found it! I put a link to your blog in my post (we did an acorn sizing activity).

  5. I love the tree climbing photo. I bet JDaniel would love to try to transport water.

    JDaniel4's Mom
    Home of Read.Explore.Learn.

  6. Love the idea for the story sequencing. That's great for them to remember what they just learned!
    As for the blanket crasher....that's such a boy thing. My son is the same way. And he climbs everything too. Do they not have any fear at all?
