
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

stART- Little Cloud by Eric Carle

A Story + Art = A great stART!

This week we read The Little Cloud by Eric Carle. In it the Little Cloud separates from the bigger clouds and takes on many shapes (an airplane, a rabbit, etc.). Fear goes back with the bigger clouds at the end... For our project this week, I had the girls paint clouds (or the appearance of) outdoors on packing paper. They painted the colors with paintbrushes and sponges. Then they used bubble wrap to paint with make cloud shapes... The different textures added to the depth of the painting...and they each had fun with the bubble wrap...

Painting with some colors...

Laying the bubble wrap down...
Lifting it up...
The finished project.... what do you think the cloud looks like?
I think it looks like the Letter Y.

For more great stART projects check out A Mommy's Adventures


  1. Such a fun idea! We have this book, so I am quite sure we will be giving this a try in the future. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Cute idea! I would have never used bubble wrap and it's perfect!

  3. What a great project!!! I love that you were able to work outside too :0)

    Thank you for linking to stART!!!!!

  4. Neat! I really like this's something different to make clouds.

  5. Bubble wrap made perfect clouds. My post is going up tonight. Please stop by.

  6. I love it!! Gotta try that. Usually bubble wrap doesn't last that long around here though. I am (as is the rest of the family) addicted to popping those things.
    Thanks for sharing

  7. Hi! I just became a follower, I found you through Friday's blog hop. I'm a stay at home Mom of two girls and we do lots of crafts and other activities. Hope you'll stop by and consider following me back! Love this project, I think the messier the better and the more they learn! Have a great weekend!

  8. We read this book and even did a project on it, but you found a very unique way to make clouds. Greay idea!

  9. oo love this it turned out so great!
