
Thursday, August 19, 2010

School Daze- Before our official start back...

Ryleigh is 39 Months and Braeden is 12 Months

Although we have not "officially" started our 2010-2011 "term" we have begun doing a few organized projects to ease back in...we had dance class, Music class, a stART project, visits to the park, visits to the library, playdates and lots of giggles....

I set up a mini-obstacle course in the living room...with big foam cushions and the tunnel...both kids loved it. Ryleigh jumped continuously all afternoon....

Ryleigh jumping and Braeden standing...unassisted.....
They both fell down...and Braeden thought this was hilarious....
More jumping...but Braeden has moved on to emptying out the bins....
During our Musical Mondays... some of the kids...
the class has gotten so big that we have had to add on an "annex" to the drum...
I need to get a second big gathering drum this fall...

I set the girls up with this bead transfer...
using cute ice cream dishes and spoons that I got at the target dollar spot.

A great fine motor activity...
Braeden thought that banging his magnetic farm barn on the floor was extremely funny....
I found these great cylinder 4 color shapes at the target dollar spot... so many possibilities for them...I also got the square and triangle ones... Here Ryleigh is sorting by color and then counting how many of each color there are....this is a good fine motor activity, sorting activity (color) and counting activity...
Ryleigh and my Grandmother playing Dora Dominoes....
a great way to practice matching and turn taking...
"Oh- Do you see me about to try and take the Computer away from sister?"
Braeden doesn't really bang on my pots and pans...but he does on Ryleigh's...
I had the girls do some beading activity on a pipe-cleaner...they made bracelets...
I think they played at this project for a good half an hour, if not more...

I brought out all 3 kinds of 3-D shapes that I had gotten...the girls sorted by color and shape...and then practiced lots of counting...

Braeden and Juliette playing with the chair and magnetic farm while the girls worked on their projects...shortly they will be included in tot trays...
Ryleigh and Emily really wanted to eat lunch they had an indoor picnic...
And Braeden and Juliette had a lunch date...yummy cheerios!

To see what others are up to this week head over to 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations and Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Wow, quite the busy week. I love those shapes you purchased at Target. I saw the girls had fun beading, so I was wondering if your daughter would be interested in this beading/color sorting/counting activity I posted about here:

    One suggestion, when I worked at the Montessori I learned to teach the children to always do their work from left to right, helps prepare for reading, so we always have our trays/baskets so the girls are transferring beads or whatever from left to right.


  2. Fun Times!

    I miss the sweet side of toddler days!

  3. What fun! I love seeing your little ones and their activities--especially since my girls are a little bit older. (Never fear--I also have a 2 month old son coming along behind them!) Looks like you had a great week!

  4. Oh my goodness what adorable pictures!! I love the indoor picnic pictures...Emily was so excited to eat over and Braeden and Juliette look so cute together too.

    I must get to Target for those shapes they are awesome...I am so mad that I had the same ice cream cups and spoons in my hand and put them back because I was being cheap, now I probably will not be able to find them!

  5. How fun! Love the idea of the music class! :)

  6. Definitely a couple of cuties! Almost makes me miss the preschool days.

    Janet W

  7. oo what a fun week! I love the idea of easing back into the routine.. I should probably start doing that!

  8. Wonderful pics! Don't you just love the Target dollar area?! i just got some great stuff there this week myself.

  9. Looks like you had a fun week. I bought the same blocks in the dollar bin. I love targets dollar section. My husband use to try to steer me clear of it, but now he lets me have my fun. : ) BTW I love the drum the kids must really have fun playing it. It reminded me that I have some bongos I think I will pull them out for Little Sweets. I think she would like them. : )

  10. We love dominoes here too, and the beads on pipe cleaners are really fun. I'm impressed with how many photos you take! This is our first week linking up with Preschool Corner - so many great ideas!
