
Friday, May 14, 2010


Ryleigh is 36 Months and Braeden is 9 Months

This week we were back on track...Musical Monday, stART, Letter of the Week...Dance....and although we are not doing a traditional "school year" yet...I started to get together a curriculum for our official preschool year...starting in August...more on that later...

Musical Monday...Here are some of the kids with the drum...
I am loving that the babies get involved..and are actually into it now...
The girls made Pumpkin spice muffins...great for practicing listening skills, math, fine motor and its just fun... and provides a snack for after school time...
Working on a find the letter printable that I made...
Michelle made the next two printable activities...a "listening and following directions" sheet as well as a "which one is different" worksheet... We had the girls listen to directions given...such as place the purple block under the circle...and then follow them...they did pretty well but we will be practicing this activity a lot more... the next activity was finding the shape that was different and circling it... Ryleigh loves this type of activity...
The girls played princess chutes and ladders...great for taking turns and counting...
Ryleigh and Elena playing with the easel...
This week we did "V" is for Vase...I got the idea from No Time For Flashcards...
and then altered it a little bit....we used pipe cleaners for stems and foam and felt flowers...first the girls decorated the vases...then glued on the stems and flowers...

Ryleigh working on her stART project...
We did some pattern work...that I got from Confessions of a Homeschooler...
Ryleigh has decided that the Jumperoo is fun... and Braeden thinks it is hilarious to watch her jump in least that's what I think he is thinking...because he giggles uncontrollably....
Braeden turned 9 Months this week...his personality is really starting to come out... he is a mellow fellow....who has a definite mischievous streak...that can be seen when his dimple appears and by a certain twinkle in his eyes...

Braeden playing nicely with Elmo while Ryleigh is watching.....
Ryleigh walked away and this is what happened....
"Ryleigh...I'm coming to get you..."
he follows her around the room a lot...bouncing after her...

Playing nicely together...

Spending time with Granny...
His beloved Anna... I thought this picture was too cute not to include...
Playing with some toys...from a bin...that he tipped over...

To see what others are doing for their school times visit:

Tot School


  1. love the letter V vase with flowers!

  2. Flowers are really neat, and I loved all the Brayden's picture - it's amazing to see how he changes so quickly from an infant into a "big baby".

  3. I'm impressed with the girls' being so neat while making muffins. I need to try cooking activities more often.

  4. I love all your ideas! I especially love the Princess Chutes and Ladders, Selena would be in 7th heaven with that game!

  5. Braeden is just too stinkin cute!! Maybe we can set Braeden and Mini Cooper up when they are older :). I love the vases, too.

  6. I really loved the V vase craft. Very cute!

  7. I also saw the V vase somewhere, probably same place you did, and we will hopefully get to that project this week.
    I just got a Chutes and Ladders game from the thrift shop to play this week. Unfortunately it is not the princess version, but seeing as they don't know there is a different version available they won't know what they are missing.
    Looks like you had a great week.

  8. wow what great ideas! I will definitely be doing V is for Vase when we get to the letter V. That Princess chutes and ladders is fab-my daughter would love it!

  9. So much fun! I am totally envious of your group of tots who like to do school together. I can not wait to see what type of curriculum you chose.

  10. The pumpkin spice muffins sound so yummy! The pictures of the girls crack me up... how do you get them to sit and do these things? My son is all over the place. :) I love all the printables - thank you for sharing them! And the pictures of Braeden are adorable!

  11. I adore the following directions & which one is different printables! My little guy isn't ready for those yet, but I'm going to store them away rom down the road.

    How many kids participate in your tot school group? I saw 4 "v is for vase" projects, I think...

    P.S. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a big kid who thinks the Jumperoo is fun ;)

  12. Great week! Can't wait to see what you have planned for your curriculum. Are you going to share about it before august? I would love to hear about it!
