Thursday, April 15, 2010

stART - A Good Night Walk

A story + Art = a great stART!!
For this week's stART project, we read A Good Night Walk by Elisha Cooper. In it, they take a walk before bed and as they go around the neighborhood they see things (like the clothes on the line, the mail truck, a pie cooling, etc.) and on the way back home they see the same houses (but with the clothes off the line, the mail truck gone, the pie eaten and the lights out)...

We took our own walk and Ryleigh pointed out some of the things that she saw (a red car, a railroad track, a bank, a mailbox, etc.).... I then tried to find some of the same things in some old magazines. We cut them out and Ryleigh glued them on as a collage...

After we were done with the collage, we "relived" our walk...
as we talked about seeing each item on the collage

Our Materials....
Ryleigh gluing....
The finished collage....

For more great stART projects check out A Mommy's Adventures


Mama to 5 said...

What a great idea! I love your craft & the activity you did with it! :)

Trudie said...

Wonderful idea!

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

What a sweet premise for a storybook! We'll have to try to find it at the library.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

Perfect book as the evenings turn warmer. Great idea!

OurHopeIsInTheLord said...

I love collages they are so much fun to do.
Have a blessed day

Natalie PlanetSmarty said...

It's a great idea - and you clearly have a lot of magazines ready for collage use :) I loved the pictures of Ryleigh focusing on her work, and the book sounds pretty interesting too.

Michelle said...

Wow this sounds like such a cute book, we will have to check it out! I love the collage too. Thank you for linking up to stART :)

Brimful Curiosities said...

So glad we can go for night walks now that the weather is nice! We love making collages, too.

Anonymous said...

We go for walks after dinner. This would be a great book and activity for us.

TIFFANY said...

What a fun idea! I'm going to look for that book at the library next time we go.

Thanks for stopping by.

Ticia said...

What a cool idea! My kids would love this.

Erica said...

Great activity to go with your book. I love books that really trigger us to "do" something.