Thursday, April 8, 2010

stART - 10 Little Rubber Ducks

A story + Art = a great stART!
This week for our stART project, we read 10 Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle and did Duck Prints. The story is about 10 Rubber Ducks who accidentally get tossed into the ocean during shipment...and about the adventures they each have. Ryleigh LOVES this book...mainly because she loves rubber ducks...we have lots floating around the house...all sizes, colors and themes.... Anyway....I had Ryleigh paint the ducks different colors and use them as stamps....she enjoyed the project...

Ryleigh painting the bottom of the duck
The finished picture...including the ducks...(she said that they are parked)...
**edited to add that clean up is a breeze....we used washable paint so no duckies were permanently painted for the making of this project!

For more great stART projects go to A Mommy's Adventures


Mama to 5 said...

What a super cute idea! Eric Carle books are wonderful! Great craft! :)

Fun Frugal Mommy said...

I love your activity. My little one loves rubber ducks too. I will have to go get this book from the library. I don't have it in my Eric Carle collection at home.

JavaMama said...

Looks fun! Will the paint just wash off the rubber ducks?

htebazile said...

I love it! Im going to have to do this with my little guy

Katie said...

I love that book, well let's be honest I love anything with duckies! Have never tried painting with them and we have a big collection. But that would be really fun to do. This would also be a fun activity for letter D.

An Almost Unschooling Mom said...

I absolutely have to remember to pick up that book - I love the story of the ducks washing up all over the world.

And, great colors - the painting turned out beautifully!

Brimful Curiosities said...

My daughter's teacher brought in an incubator with duck eggs to the classroom last week. They are waiting for the eggs to hatch. She loves rubber ducks but I think she'll love the real ones even more. I like how the ducks made ring prints.

Christianne @ Little Page Turners said...

Glad to hear the duckies were okay! :) Fun and messy project!

Playing by the book said...

A really fun project! Here's a link to the background to the story:

Julie said...

Great idea! I bet my daughter would love to do this! She has several rubber duckies!

Anonymous said...

We've got so many ducks. I never thought of painting with them.

Jenny said...

What a simple, but fun idea! We have tons of those rubber duckies!

Michelle said...

I love this book it is so cute and we have a large collection of rubber ducks that would be perfect for this project, now why didn't I ever think of this, I do like to have Emily paint with just about anything I can find in my house :0)

Thanks for linking up to stART!!

Trudie said...

Love Eric Carle's books! Such a cute idea!