
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sick Again....

We were all sick again this week...fevers and all...good times... anyway.... we didn't really do a lot of projects...or go anywhere...or do much of anything for that are some pictures of Ryleigh and Braeden from this week... they are both feeling much better...and my fever is gone...and has settled into a wonderful head cold...outstanding....

Braeden...the beginning of the week, before he got sick....
Ryleigh....thrilled to be awake...
Both Sick....Ryleigh got a lot of Tigger and Pooh in this week.... :)


  1. Oh so sorry to hear you've all been sick! Hope you feel better soon!! Cute pics of the kiddos. :)

  2. We are so glad everyone is feeling better...Emily was asking for Ryleigh every day this week.
    BTW ~ Emily has the same ladybug pj's!!
