
Sunday, October 4, 2009


Tot School

This was our first official week of "Tot School" and Ryleigh had a blast!!! I have decided to take a more Montessori route and am using trays for her projects. This week we used baking trays but I got her new trays for next week...which she got Friday and was sooooo excited!!!

We started our week with Musical Monday, participated in a stART project and did our usual afternoon baking. Unfortunately Ryleigh was sick toward the end of the week and missed our art Class with my friend Michelle Friday and Dance class Saturday.

We did lots of fine motor skill work this week.

I found a fantastic "Tot Book" on 1+1+1 = 1 that had the theme of 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed. We started some of the activities in it.

Here Ryleigh is working with her alphabet.

Ryleigh working on body parts with the Tot Book

I got some sand and utensils at the dollar store.

Here Ryleigh is practicing spooning, pouring, scooping and sifting with the purple sand.

Ryleigh carrying her tray- she really liked that she could go and pick out what project she wanted to work on.

Stickers.... She was very specific in telling me how to get the sticker off the sheet and put it on the paper...."make sure you put it on your thumb mommy. "

M& M of her favorites....the M&M's supply seem to be dwindling however.....

We used some of our flash cards and game cards (also from the dollar store) to work on some matching, colors and shapes.

Using the tongs to move pom poms over into a pumpkin ice cube tray....she was really good with the tongs but this quickly became "lets take the pom poms in and out of the container"...then "lets throw the pom poms"....then the pom poms went back in the tray..... :)

Playdough with cookie cutters :)

Elmo made an appearance...the green cup in the picture is his...shortly after that Tot School was over for the day because Elmo wanted to play with the baby....

Elmo made his way over to Braeden's playgym...the two shared a few minutes looking up at some animals....

Braeden smiling at the camera...happy that Tot School was over so Ryleigh would play with him :)

Check out the great things that others are doing in their TOTSchools


  1. I love the idea to sort M&M's! Ive seen alot of activities with them, but never sorting! What a simple great concept. And your children are adorable :)

  2. Looks like a fun week. I also have a 2 year old and a baby (2 month old).

    If you need some totschool ideas you can check us out :

  3. Wow what a great first week, I can't wait to see what is in store for this week! We missed you at art too.

  4. I like what you used for trays. Good idea! Looks like you had fun.
