
Monday, June 27, 2011

Field Trippin'.... to the Beach...

Today we took a field trip to the Beach... It was the first time for both Ryleigh and Braeden...and they had completely different reactions than I anticipated... Ryleigh LOVED playing in the sand...and wasn't so keen on the water part... Braeden wasn't so keen on any of it and downright disliked the water... however... he humored us and played in the sand for a good 2 hours...

Ryleigh was very specific on what she was wearing...
apparently the fashionable always wear pink...
The girls got right down to playing... Braeden needed a little bit of coaxing...
And that didn't work...
So I sat him down... and he played for a very long time...
He actually got very into it...
So happy... and... as he did not like walking in the sand...AT..ALL... there was no running off...
All the younger kids enjoyed watching Dylan actually go in the water...
...although... none seemed to eager to try it themselves...
The girls played a silly game of tag....
Closeup of the monster tag...
The girls having fun in the sun...
Braeden...still playing in the sand...
Examining the sea shell that Dylan found...that's science-y....right?...
I just really like this picture...
We had a nice picnic to finish out our trip...
To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; Mom 2 lil Posh Divas and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

For more fun science projects go check out Adventures in Mommydom.....(And YES I am considering this science...)


  1. Looks like you had lots of fun in the sun and sand.

  2. I so wish we lived close to the ocean! I did find out we have a creek with a beach about 1/2 mile down the road so we have to do that instead :). Looks like so much fun, sorry that the kids didnt love it as much as you thought. BTW I didnt realize that Riley's hair was getting so long! Its very pretty!

  3. the beach is totally a science field trip & a fun one too! :) Love all the pics!

  4. I've been wanting to go to the beach but it's a four hour drive for us. It looks like you had a wonderful day.

  5. I'd consider it science too! I wish our beach wasn't 4 hours away.

    Thanks for linking up.

  6. Great trip. We live within minutes of the beach and never go. How sad is that? LOL

  7. What a lovely field trip ! Playing in the sand is so much fun ;-) My boys would love it ;-)
