
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

stART - The Great Big Pumpkin

A Story + Art = a great stART!!!

For our story this week, we read Care Bears, The Great Big Pumpkin....I pretty much LOVE all that is Care obviously I thought this book was adorable.... The Care Bears get ready for a Halloween party by getting their costumes ready (three of them go as stars) and picking out their pumpkins....For our project this week, we made magically appearing pumpkins... With white crayon I drew a jack-o-lantern on each of the girl's paper. (Without telling them what was on them)... Then they used watercolor to paint the paper and reveal the surprise... I have done this project (well similar- not with pumpkins) a few times and Ryleigh loves finding out what the picture is...
Ryleigh starting to was here that she decided it was a pumpkin....even though you can't actually see it yet...
Midway through the project... with a little brush it takes awhile...
The finished pumpkins... Ryleigh's is on the bottom...
*The Ramblings and Adventures of a SAHM is now on facebook---I would love it if you became a "fan"....

For more great stART posts check out A Mommy's Adventures!
For more fun projects check out My Delicious Ambiguity , ABC and 123... and JDaniel4's Mom


  1. Terrific project and Ryleigh's
    really developing beautifully
    in small motor control!
    She's beautiful!

  2. The surprise factor in this project is so fun!

  3. Never thought of it..I think I will have to do that today with the kiddies, such a cute idea! Thanks for sharing it.

  4. oo very cute! Love how the great pumpkin showed up :-)

  5. This is the perfect project for this book...Emily would love it maybe we will do one for Halloween after we go trick or treating!

    Thank you for linking up to stART :0)

  6. Ah, the pumpkin came out really well and the colours she chose are so pretty!

    Kids Get Crafty

  7. Oh, those look like magical Halloween pumpkins. Will have to do this with my kids tonight.

  8. They pumpkins look so spooky. I love the watercolors effect. Thanks for linking to JDaniel4's Mom.

  9. I've got a couple Care Bear lovers, who would be thrilled with that book - I'll have to look for it :) And, what a great art project - I'm bookmarking it, right now!

  10. I have to remember the Care Bear books, Selena would love them. That is such a great project, I bet she was truly surprised.

  11. I can never pass up a Care Bear book, either. I've been looking for super easy craft ideas to do this weekend - this is a good one!

  12. Oh what a neat idea....Must try this with Nathan someday!

  13. Fantastic idea. I will definitely be trying that sometime soon. Just stopped in by way of Read. Explore. Learn.

    Thanks for sharing.

  14. Great idea, and looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for sharing it.
