
Thursday, June 9, 2011

School Daze... Not quite the end...

Don't forget to enter my giveaway for You Can Count on Monsters!!!!

Ryleigh is 4 (Just) and Braeden is 21 Months
Apparently... I have not done an actual school post since the middle of April... (oops)... working is really cutting into my blog time... better than cutting into school time I suppose... Anyway... instead of posting all 565 pictures that have been taken since the middle of April... I have narrowed it down to some highlights... also... some pictures and projects can be found in my stART posts... further...coming up in posts...because I know you totally want to know... will be Ryleigh's Birthday and Dance recital...

Ryleigh and Braeden with the Easter Bunny at the Eggstravaganza...circa... end of April
Ryleigh turned 4 at the end of April... here she is blowing out her candle for her family party...During her Birthday week...we did Birthday themed school projects...
Her Birthday Party theme was Princes and I had the girls make these Shape Castles during the week...
In Tot School Beginnings the kids have been working on textures... here they are making a texture collage... with beads, flower petals (real), cotton, sequins, stickers, etc.... they all did really well gluing!
Braeden painting on some bamboo... more texture work... these bamboo place-mats are from the target dollar spot... he was more interesting in going on the swing-set...
I had the preschool class do some tie dyeing... so much fun... and the shirts came out great!
Ryleigh... modeling the shirt she made and holding up the one that I made for her...
This week we took a field trip to the Bronx Zoo... I feel like the kids were not so thrilled that the paparazzi followed them there...
The 5 monkeys watching the gorillas.... they were a huge hit and definitely Braeden's favorite exhibit....
This week I did Number and Letter assessments with the girls from COAH... they were very helpful in determining where we will start "next year"....
The girls love this MATH MAT... they jumped to numbers and colors...
To see what others did this week check out Tot School at 1+1+1=1; Preschool Corner at Homeschool Creations; and the Weekly Wrap-up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Happy Birthday to your little miss!!

    That math mat is sooo cool!

  2. Looks like you have been very busy! I love the tie dye shirts. They turned out wonderfully!

  3. Great Highlights of your very busy life. Happy Birthday to the little cutie ;-)
    Ewa from

  4. Popping in from Totschool. Great week :) Happy Birthday to your little girl. LOVE the math mat.

    Greetings from Sunny, but freezing, South Africa. Momma Jo
