
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Field Trip.. to the farm...sort of....

Recently we went on a field trip to the zoo...that has farm animals...which is really an ecology center... we have been before and Ryleigh has enjoyed it in the is pretty small and can be done in about an hour...but there are animals to feed...and it makes for a pretty relaxed outing... I thought it would be a great trip to tie into our farm theme...without actually going to a farm...

The kids at the entrance...waiting to go in...Ryleigh looking at the ducks....I took this picture from the safety of the Rabbit cage...don't worry she was with Aunt 'Lissa....
Why is Braeden looking so worried?....
Because he spotted a bear...not that he was afraid of the bear...I think he was more anxious to get out and play with it...
We saw a cow....
This did not seem to phase the children...who were more interested in morning snack...
They both liked the horses...
Although Braeden was more concerned with where his cheerios had disappeared to....
Don't worry...he found them....
Happy Again...
Aunt 'Lissa feeding the goats...
Ryleigh had a great time and is excited to go back and visit again... it is the perfect size for the little ones...with just the right amount of animals to keep their interest...unless it is snack time...


  1. Ohh very fun! Next time you can come visit me.. we have farms all around my area :-)

  2. Hi! Nice blog! Following from the blog hop.


  3. What a great trip, I wish we were able to go with you...maybe next time :0)

    I love the ecology center!!!

  4. I am enjoying reading about your homeschooling adventures with your adorable children! I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.
