
Sunday, July 11, 2010

The one in which not a whole lot happened...but some fun milestones were met...

The title pretty much says it all... a very laid back week... nothing scheduled or planned... lots of fun and giggles occurred...

Ryleigh (39 months) spent a lot of time "Gardening"....and being extremely fashionable while doing so... baking and did a few crafts...

Braeden (10 months) learned how to sign the word "more", feed himself cheerios, go from his tummy into a sitting position and pull himself up...all in rapid succession....

Ryleigh gardening...

In her art class (given by Michelle from A Mommy's Adventures), Ryleigh made a 4th of July Wind Sock (at least that is what I think it is called?)
Braeden playing with blocks...

Looking like they are up to something...
Braeden demonstrating his standing skills...
Ryleigh made Zucchini Pie...we actually did a lot of cooking/baking...
but I didn't take pictures...(I know...shocking...)

I tried really hard to take a picture of Braeden signing "more"...
instead...he looks at me like I must be kidding...

For whatever reason, this green frog makes Braeden crack hysterical I tried to catch THAT on film...instead... I got a picture of THIS...
I'm guessing he is trying to figure out why I need to take the picture...

To see what others did this week check out 1+1+1=1, Homeschool Creations and Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers...


  1. Oh my goodness what a lot of adorable pictures! Isn't it funny how pictures just can't quite capture the moments you want?!

  2. Sounds like a perfect summer week!!

  3. What great fun! Your little boy is at the same stage our little girl is at (she's 10 months too & just reached most of those milestones- we're still working on pulling up)- how fun!
