
Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The one in which a "new elmo" is acquired...

I know many of you many have noticed that Ryleigh LOVES Elmo... perhaps the random shots of him during activities may have given you a clue.... anyway...Jen S. sent me a link on how to make an Elmo hat... and I promptly asked Jenn over at if she could make it for me...the end result...a VERY HAPPY Ryleigh...

Ryleigh will pretty much not take this hat off...
Ryleigh...after I told her to "freeze" so I could take her picture...
she is really good at "freezing"...
Dressed for bed...and of course the hat is part of the Elmo outfit...and the ballet slippers? Well how is a girl going to dance without her shoes? Seriously people....
More Elmo...
Ryleigh likes to bring her Baby Elmo into Braeden's room for storytime before bed...
So Happy....
One can never have too much Elmo...


  1. Ryleigh is ADORABLE! So glad she likes the hat! :)

  2. So very cute! I love that Elmo's eyes are wacky. And it Cracks me up that she wants to wear it to bed.

  3. adorable!! The had it so cute!!
