
Friday, April 23, 2010


Ryleigh is 35 Months and Braeden is 8 Months
This week we did a lot of activities...however... between my camera not cooperating and my computer shutting itself down every 5 minutes or so... this is what is left... I am going to try my best not to throw the computer out the window before finishing this post...which I have to keep saving every so often for fear that I will loose the whole thing...anyway....

Music Class:
Here are some pictures from our music class this week...Hopefully Monday there will be a new Music Post up....
Some of the kids around the drum...
the class has gotten so big I really need more than one..
Letter of the Week:
I had the girls do "S" is for "Stars" this week...we used star stickers and stuck them onto the S...a fantastical fine motor skill practice as well....
I printed off these cards from Confessions of a Homeschooler and then Michelle laminated them...then we added in the clothespins...
The girls also did these printables that I made...
Ryleigh is all about counting these days...

We also used the felt board some more for pattern work...
the girls continue to love this activity..
The Alphabet and Pre-writing:
I had the girls do these printables for letter find...we used the bingo markers...
I let Ryleigh use my computer to do some Alphabet Games Online...she loved it!!! This picture is of her using the Fisher Price website and doing the Letter Zoo Game...
I had Ryleigh use an over-sized thumbtack and punch out the letters A & B...
I put cardboard behind the computer paper to protect the trays...
I saw this activity on Confessions of a Homeschooler and thought I would give it a try...

We also worked on these printables for shape recognition and tracing... Ryleigh gets better and more focused each time we do this activity (or similar ones)...I put them in a page protector and use a dry erase marker...
Other Fun Activities:
Painting with a q-tip

Some outdoor fun...
Tiny Tot School:
Braeden is only 8 months we don't really do any school activities yet... I know...shocking...but he loves to play with his sister, his farm house shapes, blocks and stacking cups... and I like taking pictures of his many cute expressions...

These last two are my favorite of the week...
In this one he is watching his sister trace shapes.....
and in this one, I think he is asking me why I am STILL taking pictures...
but I can't be sure...

To see what others are doing for their school time, check out
Tot School


  1. I have that big drum too I used to teach a preschool {tot} music class when my oldest son was a tot!!! I need to get it out soon, I completely forgot about it!!!

  2. I never thought to use the felt board for patterning. Great idea!

  3. Oh, how I wish for a music class here! There's nothing in our small town :(

    Thank you for the printables!

  4. Cute babies and kids everywhere. I love it.

    Lots of fun activities. Love the printables! Thanks!

  5. I have just come over from Michelle's blog (A Mommy's Adventure's) where Michelle featured some of your printables. I have printed out your shape tracing and heart number match activities. Thank you for sharing these.

    Using a felt board for pattern activities is a neat idea. You sure did have a wonderful week filled with loads of creative and fun ideas.

  6. What a great week! I didn't get my act together this past week and only did 1 planned thing with Sammy all week. Hopefully I can put it together this week!

  7. We do a weekly music class as well...(only I don't teach it!). Sophie loves to hit the gathering drum and has hinted on more than one occasion that she wants a drum of her own! I think the big one might be a bit overkill, but I might pick her up a smaller one.
    Thanks again for the printables!

  8. I too wish we had access to a music class. Living in a small rural town does have some drawbacks. Love the idea of using the felt board for patterns. Think we will try that with the animal felt pieces I have from Little Folk Visuals.

  9. I need to try using a push pin for my kids. I'm sure they would love it.

  10. looks like lots of fun. I love the star-S
