
Monday, April 5, 2010

Musical Mondays- The Piano

Every Monday I teach a Music class for Mommy & my house...for more information on the class itself go HERE

I have recently decided to start exposing/teaching piano to the older kids in the class...(the 3 year olds)... so I have been doing some research about good methods to use especially for preschoolers....I took what I found- mixed them all together and added my own tweaks here and there....

The first lesson is pitch/octaves/tune... I used Goldilocks and the Three Bears to demonstrate this. The lower keys were Papa Bear, The middle keys were Mama Bear, The higher keys were Baby Bear....and a slide of the keys represents Goldilocks.... I then told the story of the three Bears and Goldilocks and had Ryleigh hit the appropriate keys....

Ryleigh doing "Baby Bear keys"...the higher octaves on the scales...
Ryleigh working with the "Mamma Bear Keys" ... the middle notes.....
Ryleigh starting the "goldilocks" run of the keys... (I think this was her favorite part)
Braeden watching his sister play the piano...
perplexed as to why she is not playing with him....

*Notice Elmo attended the lesson as you can see by his feet in the pictures...


  1. what a great way to expose the different pitches! I bet she loved it! Elmo cracked me up on the piano!

  2. Oh how fun! I wish we had a decent music class around here. We tried Kindermusik but the teacher didn't seem to do much that I don't already do at home.

  3. What a fun idea!

    Love the pic of the baby :)

  4. That sounds like such a fun class and a neat way to expose her to the different pitches.
