
Saturday, February 13, 2010


Tot School

We did lots of great activities this week...I have capped the pictures at are welcome;)

Granny and Ryleigh playing with a Melissa and Doug Puzzle

While Aunt Laura was visiting, she and Ryleigh worked on some puzzles... did lots of dancing... and worked on colors& shapes...
This week for our stART project we made pretzels...
Braeden and Anna watching the girls play projects...
The girls did the dot paintings with the bingo markers again...they did these a couple of times this week...but I am just including a picture of one...mainly because it looks pretty much the same...:)
The Letter of the Week for us was "K" (is for Kite). I had the girls color on the kites, then glue some decorative tissue paper on...and added some ribbon for the string...I think they came out much cuter than last weeks "J's"....

Ryleigh sharing with Elena...Red is Elena's favorite color...

We used tweezers to transfer tiny pom poms from a baby food container to the suction cup part of those "tub things"... a great fine motor activity.
Braeden playing with one of his Christmas gifts from Bubbe... (Ryleigh is finding Braeden lots of fun these days as he starts playing with more things..)
I made Ryleigh a button snake...I have seen them on many blogs and I knew she would like it...and she does.... I will make a few more with different size buttons....I sewed a button onto a piece of ribbon and then cut many pieces of felt for her to use....
My Grandparents got her these adorable beads for Christmas...they have different colors and the alphabet on them...she had fun calling out the letter and putting it on the pipe-cleaner.
She is really enjoying her new scissors... and can now hold the piece of paper and cut all the way across it...YAY!!!!
I put some of the pages of Ryleigh's Kumon tracing book in page protectors, gave her a dry-erase marker and let her do the pages...over and over again....
Unfortunately Sir Braeden has gotten too big (heavy) for his swing...this is making nap time a little difficult...luckily he has fallen in love with a new chair...and this one goes up to 40 pounds...
Being the outdoorsy person that I am...I brought the snow from our blizzard inside for Ryleigh to play with.... she totally enjoyed this and played with the snow for quite some time... we did a few experiments with of which is pictured below...the other had to do with food messy...

Ryleigh pouring warm water over the snow to watch it disappear....

Ryleigh's friend Emily turned 3 last week and at her party Michelle had the girls color on fabric fun!!! They used fabric markers...I didn't get a picture of Ryleigh's finished bag- but it came out looking tie-dyed....very cute.
We ended our week with a trip to the Dentist (a Ryleigh and Elmo first)... She did great and apparently Elmo had a great time and is looking forward to going again. They counted Ryleigh's teeth-she has 20..and Elmo's- he has 0.

Ryleigh (and Elmo) working on her button snake while we waited in the waiting room...
Elmo took a ride in the chair first...
Ryleigh sat on Mommy's lap and got her teeth counted
Braeden...watching...thrilled to be there...
Ryleigh and Elmo with their "goody bag" watching Daddy get his teeth checked...
Marc...super excited that I now document these fun filled field trips for my blog...
To see what others are doing in their Tot Schools go here...


  1. Fun week!

    Isaac loves the button snake i made him too. I made it for work, but it hasn't made it out of the house yet!

    Looks like she did well at the dentist :)

  2. The button snake looks so cool! I will have to try that one. The kites are cute, too. She did a great job at the dentist!

  3. Hooray for the good trip to the dentist, even for daddy. :)

  4. Very sweet - I love the dentist pics! :)

  5. With such cute babies, I don't know how you stopped at only 24 pictures. I have the hardest time deciding which ones to use. LOL

    Lots of fun ideas. I love the button snake. I'll have to think about that one. Maybe even sewing-challenged moi can handle it. LOL

  6. Fun week! I enjoyed looking at your pictures. =) I am one that loves lots of pics, but then again, I am not on dial up. The look of your husband is priceless, I had to lol at that one. ;p

  7. So much fun! I like all of the pictures...I think I put up about 20 this week too!

  8. lots of fun activities this week. love the dentist pictures and how cute that she took Elmo.

  9. oo cute button snake! I love the Kites! Did the dentist just count them? I need to take Sammy soon!

  10. What an awesome week! I need to track down those bingo markers - my little one would just LOVE to use them! I like the idea of melting snow...we have so much of it here it would be good to use it for something!

  11. You guys did have an awesome week. Love all the pics. Marc's dentist pic is too funny.

  12. Fun week! Looks like she did great at the dentist! :) Love how you have a couple of friends doing tot school together!! This I have got to try!

  13. Great week! Thanks for all the comments you've posted on our blog; they always mean a lot! Love that you got to bring snow inside! We actually got snow this week--very rare; should've thought to bring it in with us!

  14. Awesome week!! I love the button snake. I totally need to make one for Maddie. Oh, and look at her cut with those scissors!! Way to go, girl!

    And, off topic, but I LOVE her personalized apron!!

  15. The button snake looks fun... I need to bring ours out again. Yeah for a great dentist appt! We have one coming up too.

  16. I like the alphabet beads, what a great way to reinforce letter recognition.

    Hooray for the new scissors.

    My little girl will soon be visitng the dentist for the first time. My camera will also be on hand. I am with you, all of these milestones need photographic records!!

  17. Aha Elmo makes another appearance! Love it!
    You did such a great job on everything and Ryleigh looks so happy for it!
    Wonderful this Ryleigh like her button snake! James is not at all interested all the button-y type things I've made for him. :(

    Counting Coconuts

  18. What fun pictures! We love playing with snow inside too... next time I'll bring out the warm water to melt it, that's a great idea!
