
Monday, January 18, 2010

Musical Mondays - Triangle

One of the instruments we used this week at music class was the triangle. All of the kids have gotten really good at playing these correctly. I usually have them "practice" playing them, then we play together following simple directions...i.e....tap until we stop...then we play a song. This particular day we did Twinkle Twinkle Little Star..

Lately the older babies of the class have started getting in on the fun- staying awake and alert...even playing some instruments during class :) How fun it will be when all 5 of the babies join their older siblings!
Ryleigh playing the Triangle

"A" watching her big sister play the Triangle

"L" helping her little sister "E" play the drum...

"J" playing...or chewing...on a baby instrument during class

Braeden watching the kids play the drum near the end of class


  1. I love all the pictures of the babies, I am so excited that Juliette will be able to join in really soon!!!

  2. What a great group of children!! We love the triangle, but I have to say, I'm not even sure of the correct way to play it! :) Will have to look into that... ;)

  3. What a fun experience for the kids. It's so nice you have a group of them to get together!
