
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

stART- The Three Snow Bearss

A Story + Art = A great stART!!!

For this week's stART project we read Jan Brett's The Three Snow Bears. It is a cute adaptation of Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We did a collage/sequencing/painting activity for it.

First I had Ryleigh sequence the three bowls, three boots and three beds. Then we glued them on and finished the activity by doing cork prints to represent "snow".... Although MY artwork isn't the greatest (for the bowls, boots and bed) I think the project came out well and Ryleigh had fun retelling the story as we did the collage.

Ryleigh listening to Daddy Read the Story

Ryleigh putting the items in sequence order....

Ryleigh making cork paint prints to represent the snow...she was quick to identify them as circles :)

The finished project

For more great stART projects head over to A Mommy's Adventures


  1. I love how intent she looks all the way through - it looks she really enjoyed the entire process.

  2. This is so cute! What a great idea and I love how focused she is!

  3. So cute!! We love Jan Brett books, I have to borrow this one to read to Emily!! Thanks for linking up :0)

  4. We love Jan Brett books, but have never read this one. I love the sequencing activity and collage idea.

  5. Great project, never read that one but I love Jan Brett books.

  6. Too cute. I've never heard of this book before.

  7. I love it when daddys can get in on things :)

  8. We read this one last winter. I like how Jan Brett incorporates Inuit designs into the book.

  9. Very cute project! I will have to check out that book because D loves polar bears.

  10. Great idea to use cork for snow - Ryleigh looks so interested in this project. We haven't read this book - tried other Brett books, but for some reason my daughter cannot warm up to illustrations.

  11. We love this book, and I love what you did to go along with it, especially using the cork.

  12. Have not read this book but love the project you made to go with it.
