This week I was sick so Ryleigh's social life and schooling suffered a bit in the beginning... I had to cancel music... and I had to cancel "tot school" for her friends... however, we were able to squeeze some activities in and by the end of the week things were back to schedule. We participated in
Friday Art Group, and Dance. We spent some time reviewing the letters that we had already done, as well as shapes and colors....
Who doesn't love a princess? Thank you Aunt Laura....Ryleigh enjoyed some dress up time...

Ryleigh working on alphabet blocks with my Grandmother...Letters, Numbers, Animals.....still in the princess dress.....

Braeden "talking" while Ryleigh works with the alphabet blocks. He is becoming a lot more vocal....

Continuing with last weeks work, Ryleigh worked on shapes and colors. Here she was matching up the colors to the objects.

Working with purple sand...great practice for spooning, pouring, scooping, etc.... quite a mess to clean up...I think I am switching over to rice or the equivelant....this is a favorite for Ryleigh and she worked on this project for about 45 minutes....

Instead of doing a new Letter of the Week this week, we reviewed the four that we had already done. I had Ryleigh paint with the cork to color in the letters.

We also reviewed some shapes...but painted with a regular paint brush... (the cork was losing its appeal after using it in the stART project and the letter review...)

Braeden playing on his gym...grasping his toys...while Ryleigh painted...

Ryleigh wanted to "free paint" we did that for a while....

Ryleigh working on her number Winnie the Pooh Puzzel....($1 store)

Braeden extremely excited to go to Art Group... yes he knows he doesn't actually get to do any of the projects, but he gets to see Juliette and she totally relates to him as a peer :)

Ryleigh at Art Group at Michelle's house...they painted with homemade puffy paint that gets dried in the microwave and they also made coffee filter turkeys...
Braeden "resting" at Art Group while the girls did their projects...waiting for playtime....

To see what others are doing this week check out: