
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Baking with Ryleigh - Country Crust Bread Bread

What does one do with a toddler after nap in the afternoons to make the time go by until hubby comes home? I don't know what others do-- but we bake. Ryleigh really likes to help me in the kitchen and lately we have put that to good use all while practicing our counting, colors and coordination. Hmmmm, perhaps I should have titled this post alliteration in the kitchen...

On this particular day, we made Country Crust Bread- a recipe that I have used for over 15 years.....(now that makes me sound and feel old).... Anyways, Ryleigh had a great time and it came out really well. Her favorite part is usually the stirring because I create a plethora of sound effects to make it more fun. She has gotten to the point where she does not want help with a lot of it and wants to do it herself...or all self (if you were to ask her).

Other baking projects that we have done recently include: blueberry pie; chocolate cake; banana bread; chocolate chip cookies and blueberry buckle. Today's project for after nap is Corn go with our yummy pulled pork that has been cooking all day.

Ryleigh stirring some ingredients
Ryleigh telling me "Me do it all self!!!!"
Ryleigh really liked kneading the bread- just like Mommy

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