For Ryleigh's Kindergarten the last couple of days we have been working through the 5 senses (1 sense a day)... Here is a fun (quick) experiment/ lesson that we did. I took little cups and filled them with: salt water, sugar water, lemon water, unsweetened cocoa, and cocoa with sugar mixed in.... Braeden also partook in the lesson.... that is why there are so many cups! They did not know what they were tasting beforehand. By the end we had discussed: sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
Ryleigh taking a sip of the salty I think...
Hilarious! And by that... I mean for me....
Braeden didn't like the taste either...
There were lots of giggles during this lesson... and I believe Braeden laughed so hard he got hiccups and tears... which made Ryleigh laugh equally hard.
Overall, Ryleigh liked the experiment... but was not interested in repeat tasting...
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